You may be wonder how you can tell if your Ions are far below there natural or American levels. It's a very simple test.
Step 1: Look at a can of Pocari Sweat.
Step 2: Ask yourself this question, "Would I drink something that has sweat in the name?"
Step 3: Anylizing your answer:
If you said, "No" and got a lil' scared, either your ions are fine, or your a sissy. I'm guessing sissy.
If you said, "I've never been that thirsty." Your ions are flowing just fine.
If you said, "I'll just have a sip of yours." Then you had better go find your own before I mess-up your ions.
If you said, "I'll take a dozen!" Then you maybe need your ion levels adjusted via Pocar

If you don't think The Sweat is for you, you can just sit back and enjoy 20oz of Pepsi "Ice Cucumber". You made your choice. Now drink up.
I've never, ever been that thirsty.
I would try them...can't be any worse then that Aloe drink with the float-tees!
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