Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's stuck.

Now I know I'm not in Japan anymore, but, I have enough thoughts everyday that its good to have a place to let some of them out.
Today my main problem is that I have the word "Akihabara" stuck in my head. If I am saying it right it is the name of the street in Tokyo that houses "Electric Street". This is a very shiny place that sells every and all electronic bits yet conceived of. Seeing as how I was vacationing with The Kip the electrician, we spend a few nights there. But the way I have it spelled, I may not mean anything.
Any remedy suggestions will be welcomed. So far I have only tried saying it over and over in my head for a few hours. That seems only to stick it more firmly.

1 comment:

Vida said...

Sky, this is how you solve your problem. Start singing the words to 'Don't worry be happy." There, now that will play over, and over in your head and your will forget the other word. Sing it with me now..."Don't Worry Be happy, now!"